How do you keep someone from "gaming" the system?

While we believe the incidence rate of such a practice is incredibly low (less than 5%), it is a valid concern we have chosen to address. To prevent people from gaming the system and either negatively or positively rating someone positively we've introduced the following Rater Analytics that show:

  • Individual Feedback Comparison - Who do someone rate significantly higher or lower than their average? (Highlight interpersonal and demographic biases)
  • Competency Feedback Comparison - Which competencies do you grade significantly harder or easier than others? (Is your judgement filter off from everyone else?)
  • What Kind of Feedback Do You Leave - Does someone just give ratings or are they providing open feedback, too?
  • Rating Frequency Visibility - See who you rate most often and least often
  • Frequency Filter Protection  - You cannot rate someone more than once in a set time period (customizable)

What's the incentive to provide ratings?

This is probably the biggest obstacle. How do you get people to provide feedback? Along with a few other technology integrations we are exploring here is what we have planned right now:

  • Automated Push Reminders - Suggests feedback for someone you have not evaluated in a while
  • Unique Feedback Url - Each person has their own unique feedback url they can add to their email signature or send out if they with
  • Scheduled Automation for Periodic Feedback - Break feedback into chunks or base it on project sprints
  • Pay to Play - You must provide a certain number of reviews to see your feedback.
  • Feedback Streaks - Are you good at giving feedback compared to your peers? It matters.

The other facet our clients leverage is incorporating an individual's usage to their own evaluation criteria. If giving feedback and developing your fellow teammates is valuable, Ohos can give you measurable data into who isn't following through.

Can HR (or other leaders) see more than individuals? (aka - Is it REALLY anonymous?)

The greatest level of detail visibility belongs to the individual. The greatest visibility of the aggregate belongs to organizational leaders, and managers see somewhere in between. We of course reserve the ability to comply with investigations, prevent harassment, or mitigate other illegal or unethical tomfoolery. But in short, no one can see how you specifically rated another individual; not even us unless we manually go into the database and pull it, which, short of legal mandate, we do not do.) 

Can I link Ohos to compensation?

While generally speaking linking any single piece of data to a compensation system is a bad idea (Harvard agrees) how you use Ohos is up to you. Ohos is just one point of data. We advocate for a more flexible approach than using a single instrument and therefore have not programmed a way to directly link it to a compensation system. Our suggestion is give your managers a budget, better data (Ohos), and coaching on employee engagement and appreciation, then get out of the way and monitor their manager recommendations and team performance.

Can I customize the rating fields?

Yes, you can...and you should.

Can I link this to my HRIS feed?

Yes. As you can imagine there are a number of different HR systems out there so we are incorporating this on a case by case basis. Just let us know what you have and we will work to make your job easier.

Can I use this before I hire someone to get references? 

Absolutely! Ohos a great way to get more validated feedback from people's network in an anonymous format. You can also use it to collect interviewing feedback in a more data driven and objective way.

Is it portable? (Can I take my Ohos data with me when I leave a company?)

Yes! We are working on a personal account version and we see data migration as a possibility for those who want it. This makes us the ONLY platform out there that can potentially create a career long feedback data set. The ONLY ONE!

What if my company doesn't do this type of feedback, can I get it anyway?

Yep. We're working on a personal account option. Sign up here to stay in touch.